Have you ever had a week, a month or a year which you've lived like it's someone else's life? Have you ever lived not recognizing yourself?

You look into the mirror and the reflection looks exactly like you, but you feel nothing like yourself. It's like it's you and it's your own life- but you feel like a character from a play. It's like the time before you fall asleep- you imagine you can be whoever you'd like and it slowly turns into a night dream; the difference is that now- it's real deal- you are that character whose life you've lived a time of a night dream-the only difference is that it usually lasts "a bit" longer.

The thing is that it never depends on the actors if the play is a tragedy, a comedy, a drama, or whatever- the script is well known- it had already been written, read and played a hundred times. What will be the end? Everyone who has read the script knows- but there are still the ones who haven't read any scripts- they are the new actors- the ones who have their big "premier night"- the one in which they decide weather they're a comedy, a tragedy or a drama actors.
Who am I? I hate comedies so it leaves only 2 choices.

Have you ever thought what kind of actor are you?
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