I could write about countless things today, like the birthday of the great Romanian poet- Mihai Eminescu, or about the very interesting Tata Steel Chess tournaments, but I prefer to approach a more personal theme- sports.
I think that Sport is the best thing that have ever happened to me, and I'm not talking only about chess, I'm talking about jogging, fitness, table tennis, swimming, etc.

I haven't been a big fan of being on move since forever. I've discovered the pleasure and the adrenaline that practicing sports induce only in 2009 and since then, with some 2 years gap, I've become very friendly with all kind of sports. Jogging is my all favorite, as I have a quite good resistance and I enjoy running with my headphones on... It clears my mind when I'm worried about too many things and it helps me meditate on all kind of matters. Jogging gives me a sense of control not only over my body, but over my life as well. I guess that some people don't need it, as they can get this feeling from elsewhere, but for me- it's the best option I've discovered so far.
I have in mind some more sports that I find quite appealing, but I still didn't have the courage to try them for good and that's basketball and box. I hope that they will cross my way at some point :)

I remember that I started to practice sports only because of the strive to change my body and nowadays, more and more people associate working out only with a great care about self image. It's not that it's an all false impression, I just think that people who pretend not to care about their bodies are either unaware of the health risks they're exposed to, or they've lost their believe that they could change themselves, so they just call the "5 times a week working out" people- "shallow".
It's not like I'm a saint in living healthy or smth, but I think that practicing sports is an easy way to balance at least some of the unhealthy things we're exposed to in our lives (willingly or not).
Wish you all a week full of adrenaline and sports!
xoxo from Iasi
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