Summer ended quite a few days ago, but it feels that it still hasn't left.
What has changed in these 9 days? Hit-nay, no tournaments-nay, late morning coffee- check, game after game-check, white clothes-check, late summer evenings-check :))) So, it is still summer!
Well, on a more serious basis- I am actually playing another tournament, this time- a round-robin in Romania, Braila- "Maria Albulet Memorial". You can check it here- http://chess-results.com/tnr143698.aspx?lan=27&art=2&turdet=YES&flag=30&wi=984
It is a nice feeling- playing each game (especially after the Turkish League, where I played only 6 games out of 13).
A big break will follow after this tournament, with no games to play until the end of October. I will finally have some time to process what has happened in the last 75 crazy days :)))
One would say that it's not normal to play so much in a row and I totally agree, but what to do- have to earn for those square meters- 1sq meter at a tournament, another one at the next 2 ones and maybe they will add up in some 20 years :))))
All in all, I greet each of you from my still ongoing summer and wish you all a nice week!
P.S. Happy Birthday to my dear mom!
xoxo from Braila :)