Days come and days go...

However, the problem lies in the fact that it’s not the ‘surface’ faults that make us ugly and old...
It’s more and more often that you see someone so beautifully ‘wrapped’- sparkling with beauty and intelligence, even warm hearted and humble and you’re so thrilled to discover that ‘beauty’, thanking the Universe for having sent a ‘bright’ soul into your way for a change!
There are 3 ways the situation can progress...
The ‘shiny’ soul is a true diamond... You bath in its sparkle and beauty and it feels sooo good... There’s no bigger pleasure and sense of fulfilment in this World! You even feel like you borrow some shine yourself, blinding the other people with it, therefore proudly making and wearing new wrinkles...
Another possibility is that you yourself get blinded by the shine and it’s well known that one who can not see with his eyes will ‘see’ in other ways... One might discover the wrinkles of his own soul; what can be more painful than that- to suddenly be aware of all the ‘ugliness’ within when there are ‘diamonds’ shining all around...
What if the ‘diamond’ turns to be a fake though? Do you continue your ‘treasure hunt’? Is it worth seeking light when all it can do is just blind? Isn’t it better to teach yourself that ugliness is actually the true beauty?

Eternity you might say... Diamonds ‘live’ forever! I would always choose to be a rock, one that could be easily broken into a thousand pieces, but all those little pieces would be free, even if torn into invisible dust!
There’s nothing a diamond can be envied for... To be a prisoner of THIS World forever, to shine and blind the ‘hopeless’ or the ‘hopeful’, is it really a life to choose?
Everyone is free to give his own answer, as long as they haven’t traded shine for freedom... Or was it the other way?
A diamond stays all live long. It shines when it is put into shape by a master. May the light reflected in the gemstone be always brider than any disruption from outside. Your own aims and expectations to be a diamond genius determines? Always pretty. All chess games must be pretty. No must, it is free. But we like the prettiness. And the wrinkles live gives to some of us show that we lived. In the eyes of the other we mirror ourselves? Or do we mirror us ourselves in our self expectations? Critical evaluation. Typical for chess players. The thoughts go deeper than most people do.