10 000 meters above the sky, music in the headphones, a glass of wine after a tough weekend, 3 more hours to kill, isn't it the perfect moment for some meditation?
Looking back, I'm certain that all the dreams come true once you have the courage to believe and follow them! It may sound very cliché like, but how can I not believe in it when all I wished for came true- one way or another...
Living on the "believe in your dreams & in yourself endlessly" mode has become a lifestyle for me.
I lost a game to a much lower rated, 62 yo WGM some weeks ago. Lame!!! But to be honest, in a sadistic way, I was even happy... People who dedicate their lives to their passions no matter what inspire me! I dream of surviving the age of 62, still loving chess and playing it competitively! That's why when losing that game I was happy for my opponent- happy for a whole sleepless night...
People who live their lives for someone else are a mystery to me. Love and things you do out of it are indeed a tricky matter... Once you sacrifice your own happiness for let's say your family's financial situation you don't make them by any means happier. They may not understand it right away, but the price is too high- you burden them with your sacrifice. They have to be happy for 2...
One can continue this line of thinking or try to work up a theory against it, but still, my position is that there shouldn't be a place for 'unhappily spent years or lifes'...
I respect people who follow their dreams "because" and "despite" and "no matter what" and I live my life as there's no other! There are only dreams and there's no place for regrets!